Free Crochet Pattern - Bear Scrubby

Free Crochet Pattern - Bear Scrubby

These bear scrubbies make the perfect housewarming, graduation, or birthday gift! 

Time: ~1 hr.


  • Clover Amour Crochet Hook - 3.75 mm
  • Scrubby Yarn - I sourced this type of yarn straight from Seoul, Korea where the options are much more plentiful. Our options are limited in the US/Canda for brown/neutral shades and so below are the links that are closest option. One skein can make about 3-4 double-layered scrubbies. Red Heart yarn also has a similar yarn that is less stretchy and a lot rougher but they don't carry browns. Great for scrubbing off stuck-on food!
  • (Optional if you are making the facial features) - Light worsted yarn (#3) in black or brown - Here, I'm using Hobbii Friends Cotton 8/8
  • Mini Patchworks Scissors 
  • Stitch Markers  
  • Yarn Needle 



  • ch - chain
  • dc - double crochet
  • dc inc - double crochet increase
  • dec - (invisible) decrease
  • inc - increase
  • sc - single crochet
  • slst - slip stitch
  • st(s) - stitch(es)
  • tr - treble crochet
  • tr inc - treble crochet increase
  • rnd(s) - round(s)
  • [#] - stitch count
  • (…) x # - repeat the instructions within the parentheses # of times



*We will be working in joined rounds. The chain at the beginning of each round counts as the first stitch.

*Each scrubby will be made of two layers and we will slst them together.

*Please do not copy/redistribute any part of this pattern as your own. This includes reposting/translating without permission. Feel free to sell your finished products in small quantities - I only ask that you give credit to help support my work. Tag #curiouspapaya so I can feature you!

*Measurements: 4 in. [~10 cm] in diameter if using the prescribed materials.

If you prefer, you can find the premium printable PDF HERE. Thank you for supporting my designs!

Handmade dish scrubbies are highly popular in Korea! They're called "soo se mi" and I remember my mom's friends gifting them to one another either as a house warming gift or for the holidays. These oh-so-cute bear scrubbies are perfect for making the dorm a "home away from home" :) Let's jump in!

BEAR (make two in color of your choice + 3.75 mm hook)

*Note: There are lots of ways to modify this scrubby to your liking! Single or double layered, with a muzzle or without, facial features or none - the choice is yours!

*= slst to join the rnd

Rnd 1: Make a magic circle and ch 2. This counts as your first st. (dc) x11, * [12]

Rnd 2: ch 2, dc into the same st, (dc inc) x11, * [24]

  • Note: This is a "double crochet increase" - there is no comma.

Rnd 3: ch 2, dc into the same st, dc into the next st, (dc inc, dc) x11, * [36]

Rnd 4: ch 2, dc into the same st, dc into the next 2 sts, (dc inc, 2 dc) x11, * [48]

Continue onto the ears.

Rnd 5: 13 sc, ch 3, 5 tr into the next st, ch 3, slst into the next st, 12 sc, ch 3, 5 tr into the next st, ch 3, slst into the next st. sc around in the remaining sts, * [st count not needed]

Fasten off and leave a short tail on the first piece and do not fasten off just yet on the second piece.



OPTIONAL MUZZLE (in cream yarn + 3.75 mm hook)

Rnd 1: Make a magic circle and ch 2. This counts as your first st. (dc) x11, * [12]

Rnd 2: ch 2, dc into the same st, (dc inc) x11, * [24]

Fasten off and leave tail for sewing. Use your needle to sew the muzzle along the bottom center of the face.


*Note: If you made the muzzle, create the nose and mouth onto that piece instead.
Cut a 2 ft [~61 cm] of light worsted cotton yarn in black or brown. With the same strand...


NOSE: Embroider the nose across the first rnd 5-7 times to the desired thickness.

MOUTH: Create an upside down V-shape for the mouth.

EYES: Embroider each eye 1 rnd away from the nose along rnd 2, keeping all of the features in a straight line for a more chibi look.

Tie the loose tails on the backside. 




Step 1: Stack the two pieces together and slst them together around the border.

Step 2: Fasten off and leave a tail for weaving in.




The great thing about this material is that you can easily throw it into the washing machine. Air dry and it'll be fresh to use again and again.



Thank you for making these fun bear scrubbies! Share your creations with #curiouspapaya on Instagram!

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